We believe in customer satisfaction

Why Rent from us?

Embark on a journey of unparalleled convenience and personalized service with our tour offerings, where each experience is meticulously tailored to cater to your specific interests. At Helpful Vehicle Service, we take pride in crafting tours that go beyond the ordinary, ensuring that every moment becomes a lasting memory.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in the way we design each tour, taking into account your preferences and desires to create a truly unique and unforgettable adventure. Picture yourself enjoying the ultimate in comfort as our expert guides lead you through captivating destinations, sharing their wealth of knowledge and providing insights that enhance your exploration.

What sets us apart is not just the transportation, but the commitment to delivering an extraordinary touring experience. Our vehicles are not merely modes of transport; they are gateways to unparalleled journeys. Expect seamless logistics, exceptional comfort, and a level of service that goes above and beyond.

Whether you're drawn to cultural landmarks, natural wonders, or off-the-beaten-path gems, Helpful Vehicle Service is dedicated to making your travel dreams a reality. Join us for an immersive and enriching experience, where every tour becomes a personalized adventure, leaving you with memories that will resonate for a lifetime. Choose us for an extraordinary blend of expert guidance, exceptional comfort, and unforgettable moments

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Our Vehicle For Rental

Rental Service

Want Vehicle for Special Occasion?


  1. Please consider us as your preferred choice for transportation on your special occasions. We take pride in offering personalized services that cater to your specific needs. Our commitment extends to providing beautifully decorated wedding cars, ensuring that the bride and groom experience a sense of uniqueness and delight on their special day.

  2. Whether it's a romantic wedding ceremony, a joyful picnic, an educational school trip, or festive travels during occasions like Dashain and Tihar, we are here to enhance your experience with our well-maintained and comfortable vehicles. Our attention to detail and commitment to excellence make us an ideal partner for any event where transportation needs that extra touch.

  3. By choosing our services, you invite a dedicated team that is enthusiastic about contributing to the success of your memorable moments. Allow us to be part of your beautiful ceremonies, creating cherished memories as you embark on various journeys and celebrations.

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Service we provide


How can I rent a Vehicle?

You can directly contact us in our phone numbers. We will contact you in short period after you leave your contact number in our website.

Why do you choose us?
We provide good service to our clients. Our pricing is also very good.
I have a issue i need resolved, whom do i email?
Please mail us at helpfulvehicle@gmail.com or you can call us fill up the contact form in our page with your request.
What services are you compatible with?
We do vehicle renting service both inside and outside ktm valley.
Are you hiring?
Please drop your CV at helpfulvehicle@gmail.com, we will notify you once we need to hire.

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